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Since hair transplant operations are not necessary for the patient to stay in the hospital, the patient can go home on the same day after the hair transplant. This increases the importance of care after hair transplantation.

In the process of following the operation;

  • The area where the hair plantation is made is exposed and not covered by dressing.
  • Therefore, all risks that could lead to the operation site being exposed to friction, contact and trauma for at least one week should be avoided. Public transport must not be used during the specified period, and maximum care should be taken to protect the operation area if public transport is compulsory. In addition, for a week, accessories such as caps, caps, hats and the like should be avoided.
  • Two days after hair transplantation process, sleeping at half-saturates prevents swelling that can occur in the forehead and face area after application. In addition, all precautions must be taken so that the planted area does not come into contact with the quilt, sheets or pillow surfaces during sleep.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed on the day of hair transplantation and the day after the procedure.
  • Drugs such as omega 3, blood thinners and aspirin should be kept away for 48 hours after surgery. Antibiotics, pain relievers, anti-edema medicines written by the doctor who performs the surgery should be taken by your doctor and taken in accordance with the prescription.

Fırst Dressıng and washıng after haır transplantatıon

After the suturing operation, the areas covering the back and side of the head and called as “graft donor area” are covered with dressing. Pain and tingling may be felt in the operation area on and after the operation is performed. This is very good for the post-operative period. On the next day hair dressing and control processes begin. The first wash is done on the fourth day after hair transplantation. The time will vary depending on the surgeon’s assessment.

Since the sowing process is very recent, the first wash is done with baby shampoo and the patient is informed how to do the wash in the most correct way. Thus, the patient will be able to do their next wash on their own in the first wash.

Starting from the day following the hair transplantation process, the crusts grow on the grafts in the region where they are planted, and these crusts, which have formed, disappear spontaneously within ten days as they continue to wash. The shells should never be scratched with a nail or a tool, and should be expected until the day they fall by themselves without any intervention. The healing period of the grafted area is 4-5 days on average.

After about a week and ten days from surgery, most of the hair that is planted can be poured, and this shedding is temporary. This temporary hair loss that can last up to a month is called shock pouring. At the end of the shock-loss process, the lost hair replaces completely after a few months. However, if hair loss is to be avoided in a certain way during the period of shock pouring, the use of Minoxidil after PRP application or sowing may slow down the loss of hair and accelerate hair regrowth.

Within a period of approximately 9 to 12 months, all of the hair extruded has come out and the results of the procedure performed are in a healthy state.

The FUE technique, which prevents the scarring of hair roots from getting into the area, is the most advantageous of these surgeries and is the most preferred practice by patients.