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Yanak Doldurma Ankara

In terms of our facial features, one of the most important points for the external image is our cheeks. Individuals may complain that their cheeks are full or weak. The full cheeks can be important for the individuals to reflect their weight problems and the weak cheeks are important for aesthetics. We are performing Cheek Filling in our clinic for the patients with weak cheeks.

Filling of the cheek area is very important in order to get a lively and beautiful image. Standard measurements are available for this process as well as for the face structure of the person. There are general rules in face definition that are important for beauty. When viewed from the side of the cheek, full-sided cheeks are preferred if necessary in accordance with the face. However, both of these types of cheeks do not occur as a result of age. People who are weak can form visible pits on the cheek. In this case it can cause people to feel bad psychologically.

Surgıcal Cheek Fıllıng

In order to perform the cheek filling operation without surgery, a ready fill is made on the weak region. Among the cheek filling procedures to be performed without surgery, the best and most effective method is to add filler to the area. This filling applied to the cheek area removes the wrinkles and wrinkles in the face and helps the face to have a more beautiful appearance. In this view, the oval shape of the face seen in normal people is again given to the weak cheeky individual. The characteristics of the face of the individual to be filled must be subjected to a detailed analysis. That is to say, reinforcements should be performed on the determined parts instead of reinforcements. In order to perform the operation without error, it is necessary to determine in which part of the face the application should be performed in the face of the patient.

Surgical Cheek Filling is generally applied to individuals who appear to be very weak due to weight problems and who have experienced normal weight loss. The amount of the amount to be applied in the cheek filling process varies according to the volume and shape desired by the individual. The surgeon should be absolutely effective when this dose is being determined. If you want to benefit from this kind of quality service, you can contact us with your contact numbers and request detailed information about the application and an appointment.