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çene ucu estetiği

The jaw part is an important part of the facial features. Our age is triple as we age, and as the age progresses, we begin to round. One of the most important features that provide this triangle in the young is a jaw tip in one. The individual may differ from the jawing individual. Some individuals may be left behind in some individuals in the future. At this point, jaw-aesthetic surgery is in operation. Different types of operations can be applied to individuals according to whether they want their jaws to be behind or in the future.

There are alternatives to people who are disturbed by the pit view of their jaws. The jawless filling without surgery was developed exactly this way. With this method, the pit area at the end of the jaw is filled with bony structures. No surgery is needed for this procedure.

Jaw Aesthetıc Surgery

In the future, if the jaw is not very advanced, rasp the jaw bone and if necessary, the removal of a piece of soft tissue from the neck will be sufficient to provide aesthetic appearance. Success is achieved in the short vault without deteriorating the structure of the jawbone. If the disorder is at a high level, the jawbone is surgically removed and the surgical interventions are reshaped. This can be done with a chin aesthetic surgery.

If the jaw is too far behind, it is still sufficient to attach the prosthesis to the tip of the jaw at the mild to moderate levels. If the disorder is still advanced, it is surgically advanced and restructured.

People with very small jaws are more suited for fitting prostheses to their jaws than normal people. The goal is to enlarge the small jaw tip and dislodge it. The most commonly used devices for this are silicone or medpor implants.

Aesthetıc Jaw Raspıng

Surgery can be performed using local anesthesia supported by sedation. The average time for operations using these methods is one hour. If a prosthetic placement procedure is to be performed, this can be done with a small incision through the mouth or under the chin. Sutures need not be removed and no trace problems arise as the fissured stitches are used during the operation. Patients can return to their homes about an hour after the aesthetic jaw scraping is complete. Slight swelling and bruising may occur after surgery, and patients can bypass this condition by applying ice treatment. If you want to do this simple operation, you can reach us by our contact number.