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FUT (Follıcular Unıt Transplantatıon)

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

In this method, the hair roots to be transported should be taken in such a way that hair roots to be transported will be formed from the nape of the neck, the regions between the ears, the density of the hair roots, the flexibility and size of the region to be bought and the strip. The hair-covered skin taken by the surgeon who uses the Follicular Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method is divided into sections by the team of specialists in this field, and the plantation is made. The place where the hair covered skin area is taken should be closed by a plastic surgeon and sewed properly. In terms of health care of this area is also very important for the person.

Once the process of separating this hair with deep hair is completed, very small ducts are opened to the area to be sown. In order to open these channels in our clinic, medical needles, which are the latest technology products, are used. Just like a needle is made for the purpose of giving a drug and if there is no needle mark after the procedure is completed, there is no needle mark on the channels that are opened with the help of the needle where the hair is to be planted. No cuts or scars occur during this procedure.

The design of the receiver section during FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) operation is also an important consideration. The team that will do this should have serious experience and knowledge. As a result of this process, there are some points that should be considered in the name of the natural appearance of the hair. Some of those; the directions of the channels to be opened for the hair plant, the correctness of the hair line, the width of the hair roots, and the sowing technique. In short, whatever the method, designing the region to plant is the most critical issue. The fact that the surgeon performing the operation is experienced and skilled is very important in this point.

Once the design of the hair growth plant has been completed, the hair is taken individually and carefully. The placement must be the same for the entire area to be planted and must be exactly in the same position with the opened channels. The operation will be completed with a final test procedure to be performed after hair island placement with this method is completed. The rules that should be paid attention after hair transplantation should be given to the individual both verbally and in written form as a document.